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Jefferson Elementary Students

Congrats to TREA's Jefferson Elementary Students!

Nederland Stem Collaborative

Great job Nederland and Partners on this STEM Collaborative Effort

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Volleyball Playoffs - TREA High Schools

Congratulations to all TREA Member District Volleyball teams that made it to the playoffs!!

A special congrats to those who made it to the Semi-Finals:

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Book vending machines - Unique idea!

Fighting Child care "Deserts" in the Panhandle

Another great community effort to help children in Rural areas.  

Know of other great things going on in your area? Let me know! [email protected]

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Texas Almanacs-reduced cost

We have greatly discounted our 2022-2023 Texas Almanacs from the prices of $24.99 for paperback and $39.99 for hardcover to $8 (paperback) and $10 (hardcover), basically covering postage. Then $6 for the digital version. I want teachers to have first crack at this offer if possible since the almanacs are so useful for Texas History teachers, as well as those teaching economics, and geography. There is also a free Teacher's Guide that can be found here:
The almanacs can be bought at: 
Lisa Berg
Director of Education Services, TSHA
State Coordinator, THD
Mailing Address:
PO Box 5428
Austin, TX 78763
Physical Address:
3001 Lake Austin Blvd., Ste: 3.116
Austin, TX  78703
Cell: 615-293-1969

Bastrop County Cares

You're going to be hearing more about the proactive nature of this organization.  They are helping students and adults in the rural county of Bastrop.  Check out what they do on their website below.  My challenge to you:  If you know of other agencies or organizations providing and coordinating services for people in rural communities, let me know, [email protected]

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Spotlight on Small School Student Graduate: Mariah Waters

Thanks to Brad McEachern for reposting this...

Spotlight on Small School Graduate: Austin Byrd

See this unique article from the perspective of Austin Byrd, product of a TREA member school district.  He happens to be the son of Dalhart superintendent and current TREA president, Jeff Byrd.  

If you have other similar stories to share about rural school graduates doing great things, and I know there are lots of them, send them to me at [email protected]

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iREACH Program-Univ. of South Carolina

Please see this offering for a free wellness program for adults living in rural communities.

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Christmas Cards

STEM Opportunity TAMU January 20, 2024

Great happenings in Santa Anna ISD!

Got great things going on in your District?  Send the link to Bill Tarleton at [email protected]

Rural STEM Initiative Newsletter

Please contact Wayne Fagan if you have any questions on how to best utilize these resources for your students.

Great story about small town kids

This is from last year, but worth re-visiting.  Callisburg is a TREA member district school.

The passing of George Brown, co-founder of TREA

In Loving Memory of George James Brown

 George James Brown, an esteemed educator, devoted husband, and beloved patriarch, peacefully passed away on December 30, 2023, at his home in Mount Pleasant, Texas. Born on September 16, 1937, in Austin, Texas, George's remarkable life was filled with achievements, lasting relationships, and a profound dedication to education.

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Congrats to TREA Member District Football Teams!

Congratulations to all schools who made it to the playoffs this year.  A special Congrats! to these TREA member District Schools for making it to the Championship Game in their division.

Gordon                      Benjamin                Oglesby                  Mart

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News and CTE Opportunity from TEA

K-12 University Schools - New to TREA

Check out TTU K-12 and UT High school, district members for the first time this year.

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Texas Rural Ed Innovation Newsletter