State Representative Jim Pitts was a true statesman and fought for all Texans for many years. He authored and worked with TREA on HB 1064 in 2011, which passed and subsequently saved school districts millions of dollars, collectively. Respectfully, Bill.
Congratulations to these TREA Member District School Boards for being named TASA's Regional Boards of the Year!
Region 5 - Nederland ISD
Congratulations to these TREA superintendents for being named Superintendent of the Year for their ESC Regions!
Region 3: Bill Chapman - Palacios ISD (now serving London ISD)
Great Job TREA Board Member Raul Trevino and Rio Hondo ISD!
TREA has partnered with NKH Texas for over four years now, and they have awarded rural schools in Texas over $600,000 to their food service departments for innovative programs.
Thanks to Dr. Allen Pratt as well as our TREA folks that work with NREA on legislative and other matters - Bill Chapman, Jerry Stout, Todd Williams, and Max Thompson.
Scroll down to Shotgun and look for the name Ryann Phillips of Gail, Tx (Borden County ISD graduate). Women's Trap competes on July 30 and 31 in Paris.
All administrators should check out this opportunity that is reimbursable upon program completion. We have partnered for four years now with UTEACH Texas to get the word out about this opportunity. Contact Dixie Valdez with UTEACH Texas or Bill Tarleton with TREA if you have any questions.
Congratulations to Fort Davis and Michelle Hartmann, Deputy Superintendent and former TREA Board Member, who was instrumental in implementing the program.
Please see the link on this curriculum funded through the NSA.
I remember how hot it was in July of 1997.
We were hauling and unloading all our worldly possessions, including a one-year-old child, at the old Hafer place on the edge of town.
Check out the Van STEAM Bus and it's activities. The West Texas Tour info. is here, as well as other tabs to check out how it works and other activities: